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Duration 2h 45m
Distance 75 miles
Average price $210
Frequency Daily

Trip overview

The ferry between Victoria and Seattle takes 2h 45m. There is at least one ferry per day from Victoria to Seattle. The journey time may be longer on weekends and holidays; use the search form on this page to search for a specific travel date.


  1. Victoria
  2. Seattle
2h 45m
$110 - $210

Victoria to Seattle ferry times

Ferries run once daily between Victoria and Seattle. The service departs Victoria at 17:00 in the afternoon, which arrives into Seattle at 19:45. All services run direct with no transfers required, and take on average 2h 45m. The schedules shown below are for the next available departures.

Frequently asked questions

Want to know about travelling from Victoria to Seattle? We have put together a list of the most frequently asked questions from our users such as: What is the cheapest mode of transport?, What is the quickest option?, How much do tickets usually cost? and many more.

Yes, there is a direct ferry departing from Victoria and arriving at Seattle. Services depart once daily, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 2h 45m.

More details

The distance between Victoria and Seattle is 85 miles.

There are 1099+ hotels available in Seattle. Prices start at $56 USD per night.

More details

What companies run services between Victoria and Seattle?

FRS Clipper operates a ferry from Victoria to Seattle once daily. Tickets cost $110 - $210 and the journey takes 2h 45m.
Ferry operators
FRS Clipper
Ave. Duration
2h 45m
Once daily
Estimated price
$110 - $210
+1 800-888-2535
Ferry from Victoria to Seattle
Ave. Duration
2h 45m
Once daily
Estimated price
$110 - $210
Schedules at
$110 - $210
$75 - $110

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