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Duration 4h
Distance 413.2 km
Average price €220
Frequency 7/day

Trip overview

The average train between Zürich and Frankfurt am Main takes 4h and the fastest train takes 3h 53m. The train service runs several times per day from Zürich to Frankfurt am Main. The journey time may be longer on weekends and holidays; use the search form on this page to search for a specific travel date.


  1. Zuerich Hb
  2. Frankfurt am Main
3h 53m
Bookable on Rome2Rio
€120 - €230

Zürich to Frankfurt am Main train times

Trains run every four hours between Zürich and Frankfurt am Main. The earliest departure is at 13:59 in the afternoon, and the last departure from Zürich is at 18:59 which arrives into Frankfurt am Main at 23:08. All services run direct with no transfers required, and take on average 4h. The schedules shown below are for the next available departures.

Frequently asked questions

Want to know about travelling from Zürich to Frankfurt am Main? We have put together a list of the most frequently asked questions from our users such as: What is the cheapest mode of transport?, What is the quickest option?, How much do tickets usually cost? and many more.

Yes, there is a direct train departing from Zuerich Hb and arriving at Frankfurt(Main)Hbf. Services depart every four hours, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 3h 53m.

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The distance between Zürich and Frankfurt am Main is 418 km. The road distance is 413.2 km.

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Zürich to Frankfurt am Main train services, operated by Deutsche Bahn Intercity-Express, depart from Zuerich Hb station.

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Zürich to Frankfurt am Main train services, operated by Deutsche Bahn Intercity-Express, arrive at Frankfurt(Main)Hbf station.

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Book your Zürich to Frankfurt am Main train tickets online with Omio.

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There are 1047+ hotels available in Frankfurt am Main. Prices start at €44 per night.

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What companies run services between Zürich and Frankfurt am Main?

Deutsche Bahn Intercity-Express operates a train from Zuerich Hb to Frankfurt(Main)Hbf every 4 hours. Tickets cost €65 - €80 and the journey takes 3h 53m. Swiss Railways (SBB/CFF/FFS) also services this route once daily.
Train operators
Deutsche Bahn Intercity-Express
Ave. Duration
3h 53m
Every 4 hours
Estimated price
€65 - €80

German rail company Deutsche Bahn is known for its efficient and comfortable service. It offers many different types of rail transportation, including ICE or Intercity-Express for high-speed services between major cities and regions, IC (InterCity) for long-distance trains, RE (Regional Express) trains that connect regions and cities, and the S-Bahn rapid transit service. There are two main tickets on offer: the Flexpreis that has full flexibility, and the Sparpreis which is the cheaper, advanced fare (bookings usually open 6 months in advance for domestic tickets).

Contact Details
+49 0180 6 99 66 33
Train from Zuerich Hb to Frankfurt(Main)Hbf
Ave. Duration
3h 53m
Every 4 hours
Estimated price
€65 - €80
Train from Zuerich Hb to Basel Sbb
Ave. Duration
54 min
Every 3 hours
Estimated price
€28 - €32
Train from Basel SBB to Frankfurt(Main)Hbf
Ave. Duration
3h 2m
Estimated price
€55 - €65
Swiss Railways (SBB/CFF/FFS)
Ave. Duration
5h 2m
Once daily
Estimated price
€120 - €230

The national railway company of Switzerland, Swiss Railways operates trains throughout the country and adjacent European nations including Germany, France, Italy and Austria. Tickets are sold in two classes - First and Second - with most long-distance trains offering a bistro car serving beverages and snacks. Individual tickets can be bought easily at stands, while a variety of travel passes are on offer to suit different travel needs.

Contact Details
+41 848 44 66 88
Train from Zuerich Hb to Frankfurt(Main)Hbf
Ave. Duration
5h 2m
Once daily
Estimated price
€120 - €230
Train from Zürich Hb to Basel Sbb
Ave. Duration
1h 12m
Estimated price
€30 - €60
Train from Basel Sbb to Frankfurt(Main)Hbf
Ave. Duration
3h 6m
Once daily
Estimated price
€100 - €180

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